Should You go to the Event?

Full Sail students and alumni, from all over the world, accomplish many great feats. The Full Sail Hall of Fame celebrates the epitome of such accomplishments; an event dedicated to bringing back the best of the best to speak about their experiences and help students reach brighter futures in their specialties or fields. But what about Esports? Does this event offer tangible benefits to those from an esports background? Yes.

Having been involved as a VIP with a number of different specialties throughout my own career, primarily Esports, I believe it is intrinsic and extremely valuable for any student or person looking to meet others in their field. Even if you are not a student or an alumni, the event is open to all and relationships beginning there can help you build a flourishing career. This event places you in the forefront of all things Esports, Gaming, Music, Audio Engineering, Movies, Writing and more. With a variety of panels to attend, you can ask questions and learn what others went through to get where they are now as professionals in the field. This, in my honest opinion, is one of the best business opportunities in not only Orlando, but throughout the entire Gaming and Esports industries. The networking provided by the Full Sail Hall of Fame is essential in building foundational relationships and connections helpful in finding prestigious and fulfilling jobs and opportunities in a variety of fields.

How Does This Help Esports Players and Coaches?

Students in Full Sail Armada develop strong connections to their teams, from Coaching, to Program Management, Event Management, or even Tournament Management. Speaking with these valuable teammates provides guidance for getting involved in various programs within the school or within Esports as a whole. If you are seeking the right job for you, this level of insider information is a must.

But Should Everyone go to This Event?

Even if the event itself is catered towards those in the industry of Gaming, Music, Esports, or Movies, yes! The wide spectrum of topics and the friendly faces alone are enough for anyone to have a good time, make great connections, and add to the rich experiences of an enjoyable life. Between talking with industry insider-VIP’s and seeing what doors are open for you, the event provides a quality experience unlike many others. Don’t forget, there’s always food to eat and people to meet, too!

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